Do you know your Life Purpose?
With Scientific Hand Analysis, the lines in your hands provide a personal roadmap to your life, unique to you and only you.
The lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways in your brain.
It’s how you’re wired.
Your life purpose is in your fingerprints, formed in utero, between 14-16 weeks and, they never change.
Once you know your life purpose, you can get your life on track.
Your Purpose is Waiting for YOU to show up as YOU!
Schedule your Scientific Hand Analysis Session
with Cheryl Walker
HOST a Scientific Hand Analysis Party with 5 or more people
And get your Hand Analysis FREE!
What is Scientific Hand Analysis?
- Palmistry as a form of divination emerged in India over 5,000 years ago
- Hand analysis is a combination of ancient palmistry, the latest scientific data and current advances in human psychology and philosophy
- Hand analysis is NOT predictive (I can’t tell you how many children you’re going to have or when you’re going to meet that tall, dark stranger.)
- Hand analysis is a repeatable system, based upon thousands of hands studied
- Hand analysis can be learned, like learning to read or play a musical instrument
- Hand analysis does not require psychic ability
What Can I Learn in a Hand Analysis Session?
Your hands reveal two key areas of information: your fingerprints and the lines on your palms.
- Your fingerprints reveal your Life Purpose (your area of greatest potential and fulfillment) and your Life Lesson (your ‘shadow’ self seeking conscious awareness in order for your Life Purpose to manifest)
- Your fingerprints formed when you were in utero between the 14th and 16th week of development and do not change
- Your fingerprints are an energy wave imprint of your soul’s assignment: what you are here on Earth to learn in order to manifest your life purpose
- Identical twins have different fingerprints – fingerprints are not based entirely upon DNA
- Scientific discoveries in the last 100 years reveal that the lines on your hands are a map of the major neural pathways of your brain – lines can change
- The lines in your palms reveal your unique style of feeling, thinking, behaving, and communicating as well as your special gifts (such as writing, healing or teaching), your career path and your physical stamina level
By looking at the lines on your palms, I can determine where you are experiencing both success and resistance in relationship to your Life Purpose and Life Lesson right now. Everything on your palms is decoded in terms of now – rather than the past or future.
What Are the Benefits of Hand Analysis?
- Know your Life Purpose and live it
- Know your Life Lesson and learn from it
- Create financial security by living your Life Purpose (it’s time to get PAID for your PASSIONS!)
- Manifest specific dreams and goals
- Understand your career path and how to walk it
- Understand your relationship issues and heal them
- Know your body’s stamina level and maintain it
- Discover greater compassion for yourself and others
- Deepen your spiritual connection and discover grace
- Increase your intuition and self-confidence
Can You Predict My Future?
No. The stereotypical image of a turbaned Gypsy with big hoop earrings (and I love hoop earrings!) staring into her crystal ball in order to predict your future does a disservice to both palmists and to Gypsies, a group of people still in existence today. I read everything in your palms in terms of your life RIGHT NOW. Your palms reveal your behaviors over time. Past behavior is often a good indicator of future probabilities. However, that being said, you have free will. Because of our ability to choose, we can transcend our past behavior from a desire to change and create greater fulfillment in our lives. I can see patterns, trends and probabilities. As a non-predictive palmist, I help you jump-start your own spiritual evolution by bringing consciousness to these patterns, trends and probabilities. We can look at where you are stuck and where you WANT to be. Are you using your gifts? Are you fully showing up in your relationships? Are you communicating your inner truth? Your hands reveal insights to these questions.